Do you believe it? I do.
We can achieve success even when we feel that our circumstances or personality traits are preventing us from realizing our dreams. Deep inside of us we all have dreams and aspirations of advancing our education, becoming homeowners, traveling, getting a better job, advancing in our careers, being our own boss, being able to provide for our families and the list goes on and on.
I think that our innate desire to be successful often takes us to respond: “I am doing great” when we are asked: How are you doing? Or how are you doing today?
What do we mean by that?
Do you mean that you feel fine at the moment that everything is right in your life and you feel successful?
Do you feel motivated to deal with whatever comes your way that day?
Are you feeling confident to accomplish your goals in life?
Are you prepared to overcome any obstacles that may threaten your success?
Or, is it just a phrase that we have been accustomed to using in response to the questions: How are you doing? Or is it a way of self-motivating ourselves but that motivation just ends the minute that we respond?
Characteristics of Individuals That Have Achieved Success:
- They are humble inside and show their humbleness by making others feel important rather than presenting themselves as important.
- They have discovered their vocation, talents, passion. This is the start of success.
- They look for opportunities and they are prepared for when they find it.
- They are determined to be successful.
- They are consistent in what they do until they achieve their goals.
- They have a growth mindset and do not allow their personality traits to limit them.
- They have clear goals and visualize their success.
People like Beethoven, Picasso, John F. Kennedy as well as people from the Bible like Esther, David, Deborah, Joseph achieved success even in spite of their circumstances.
We can achieve it too!
What is your definition of success? Success is very personal, it means and looks very different for everyone because success is closely linked to our talents and our passion for something.
My definition of success is doing all the things that I enjoy and that contribute to my personal growth. I feel successful by having achieved my goals for advancing my education, developed a long career in Human Services Administration, traveling to faraway places, baking healthy desserts and food, strengthening my faith and nurturing my spirit. If we want to be successful we have to start by setting clear goals.
I have a passion for learning about different cultures and people, helping others to discover their dreams, helping others set goals to achieve what they may define as their success.
You have talents that perhaps you still have not discovered; things that you find joy doing and make you feel happy, things that you feel passionate about.
What “success” looks like for you? Have you thought about it? You have dreams of being successful, changing things in your life, achieving something. Have you taken the necessary steps toward discovering the potential that you have to be successful? Are you ready now?
Let us start your journey of discovering your talents.
I would love to hear your feedback and/or questions
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